the champix challenge

It’s 11.55am on November 6th, 2012, and I’ve just dropped my first Champix. I’m not coming up yet.

“So what the hell is Champix?” you’re probably asking, and I’ve been asking too. As far as I can tell it’s a drug you take daily (twice daily after three days) that blocks the pleasure receptors where smoking usually reigns, reducing craving from nicotine. Some people say it reduces it completely, though my chemist just assured me you still need some willpower. Goddam, not the ‘W’ word. You whack it down with meals for three months and then VOILA! you’re cured.

Sounds magnificent doesn’t it? It’s great in theory although there can be side effects. Feeling sick, feeling weird, having vivid and terrifying dreams… If you’ve suffered depression before – which I have – it can apparently make you very low, and I’ve got friends who’ve reported psychotic episodes. I figure if I write down all my experiences on a daily basis it will act as a resource I can check back on, and should I kill anyone then it’ll provide an alibi.

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